Sold by Chuck Carey May 9, 2006 $1.412 M

Show club & Roaring 20's Restaurant in 10,000 + SF Building On 5 acres at 581 Route 28 West Dennis, MA 02670

Cape Cod's Premiere Event Complex

The Speakeasy / Formerly Christines

The main dining room, pictured above, sits below a stunning display of the moon surrounded by stars.

Appointed with items from the roaring 1920's

What's Available:
Restaurant Business & Real Estate Available for purchase
or 320-seat restaurant for lease

Contact Tom Davis at 508-790-8900 for the details on this and other great restaurant locations for sale.

The information provided herein is gathered from sources we deem reliable. We have no reason to doubt its accuracy but do not guarantee it. The potential buyer should verify all information prior to purchase. Buyer and buyer's advisors should conduct a careful and independent investigation to your satisfaction of the suitability of the business for your needs.