Sold by Cecelia Carey on April 6, 2011

South Street Hyannis Investment Property
539 South St. Hyannis MA 02601 Sold $260,000

1,500 SF Building separated to two units: 600 SF owner’s office in back plus 1,400 SF retail store front occupied by Little Beach Gallery.

Located in the HVB zone which allow by right, a wide variety of uses: business and professional offices, retail, personal service, restaurant, publishing and printing establishments and more.

Located in the Hyannis Business Improvement District

Contact: Cecelia Carey
Phone: 508.790.8900 ext. 15

The information provided herein is gathered from sources we deem reliable. We have no reason to doubt its accuracy but do not guarantee it. Potential Buyer should verify all information prior to purchase. Buyer and buyer's advisors should conduct a careful and independent investigation to your satisfaction the suitability of the business for your needs.