Retail Building For Sale on Enterprise Road, Hyannis.
Sold for $775,000 on 11/14/2013 by Cecelia
115 Enterprise Road, Hyannis MA 02601

115 Enterprise Road, Hyannis MA 02601

11,520 SF industrial building suitable for a variety of uses allowed by the B zoning and connection to town sewer and town water. Permitted uses include retail, wholesale, bank, office and restaurant to name a few.

Ceiling Heights range from 11.5' to 16' at peak.

The lot has 14+ spaces ( 0.55 acres of land) plus a recorded parking easement in place for an additional 25 parking spaces in abutting lot maintained by the Cape Cod Mall.

Located opposite the Best Buy entrance to the mall.

This is a steel industrial building and all interior partitians can be removed to create a wide-open floor plan.

 Contact: Cecelia Carey
508.790.8900 ext. 102
Mobile: 508-566-2787

The information provided herein is gathered from sources we deem reliable. We have no reason to doubt its accuracy but do not guarantee it. Potential Buyer should verify all information prior to purchase. Buyer and buyer's advisors should conduct a careful and independent investigation to your satisfaction the suitability of the business for your needs.