2,400 SF Yarmouth Port Insurance Building
Sold by Cecelia Carey 5-29-2013
108 Route 6A Yarmouth Port, MA 02675

The former Barnstable County Mutual Insurance Company's property at 108 Route 6A Yarmouth Port has been owned by the insurance firm since the late 1890's. The historic site includes a 2,400 SF office building and 1,800 SF carraige house on a corner 1.17 acre lot. Attorney John Cartwright, Esq. of Hyannis represented the buyers. Robert Chamberlain, Esq. of Yarmouth Port represented the sellers. Sold by Cecelia Carey May 29, 2013.

 Contact: Cecelia Carey
508.790.8900 ext. 102
Mobile: 508-566-2787

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