Leased January 2022
1,850 SF Professional Office in Osterville Center

14 (AKA 12) Parker Road Osterville, MA 02655

1,850 SF of professional office space. This unit has 2-3 private offices, printing / storage area, breakroom and bathroom on the first floor plus a 322 SF storage room on the lower level. 12 parker Road is one parcel off Main Street in Downtown Osterville and backs up to a small town owned lot.

Contact: Chuck Carey
508.790.8900 ext. 101

The information provided herein is gathered from sources we deem reliable. We have no reason to doubt its accuracy but do not guarantee it. The potential buyer should verify all information prior to purchase. Buyer and buyer's advisors should conduct a careful and independent investigation to your satisfaction of the suitability of the business for your needs.